Thursday 29 September 2011

Mystery = My Story

Mystery = My Story... We all love a good mystery,and a good story, particularly our own...

Monday 10 January 2011

Resolutions = Re-solutions

On 2nd Jan 2011 I gave an interview to BBC WM Radio with Professor Carl Chinn MBE, about the psychology of New Year Re-solutions... here is the recording...

Saturday 25 October 2008

Seal = See All

When someone or something has a seal placed upon it in a spiritual sense. That seal is eternal in nature. Eternity is not limited by space or time and therefore when a "Seal" is fully realized and ratified, it is not limited by space or time. Space and time are the two things that limit someone or something from seeing all. Therefore the full maturation of an eternal seal will allow the recipient to "See All". God is able to "See All".

By Tom Bushnell

Monday 1 September 2008

Realize = Real Eyes

This is quite self explanatory, but when we realize something it is because what ever was blocking or inhibiting our view of something previously, is no longer there, we have effectively taken off our "spectacles" or "unreal eye's" (whatever those unreal eye's may of been, incorrect thoughts, incorrect beliefs, prejudices, fears, lack of faith, false doctrines etc, etc) and we can now see clearly and realize what is before us.

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Universe = One Song

There is the school of thought that describes our Universe as made up of energy. One way to look at this energy is in the form of vibrations...Music is a series of sound vibrations that can be sensed by the ears. There is the thought that the Universe is one big vibration that takes form, literally it is as if it were one song. (The song in this case takes form in many planes that can be detected through the human senses, not just sound, and many forms that cannot be detected by the human senses). Some will even go as far to say that thought vibrations cause our world around us to be. For more info on this topic look up Quantum Physics on google and or go to

Thursday 14 August 2008

History = His Story

History is quite often just that...His Story.
He who wrote it get's to tell it just as he saw it, according to his own opinion and account of what happened.
He tell's it as His Story.

(I can't claim credit for this one, I've heard it a few times from different people over the years)

Sunday 10 August 2008

Forest = For Rest

Those that love and appreciate nature will know that a Forest is one of many natural places for rest. One can go to the Forest and feel recharged, inspired and refreshed. A Forest is truly a place For Rest.